click here for a bit more about me.

AND HERE for a fun interview with my talented friend Taylor of @blueprintsforsewing.

and below are quite a few of my talented friends.

* = interdisciplinary fine art 

audrey chung - print, woodcut

christopher ford - curation, photography*

cindy tsai - video*

dan kaplan / dan kaplan - graphic design

dana morrissey - flowers and words

david robbins estrada - painting

erik benjamins - writing*

eszter sápi - print*

eunice choi - painting, sculpture

hannah baker-siroty - poetry, creative writing

helena hsieh - painting

ivette salom - drawing, animation*

jamaal sheats - metal relief sculpture*

jason fiske - design, drawing

jennifer nichols - painting

jessica borusky - performance*

jillian steinhauer - writing, criticism

jj manford - painting

joanna tam - video, writing*

jodie mim goodnough - photography*

joe joe orangias - sculpture*

katrina neumann - interdisciplinary fine art

laura ann harrison - animation, writing*

laura johnson - photography, scent

leah craig - curation, performance*

maia lynch - painting

meredith lynn - painting, bookmaking

monica lynn manoski - sculpture

owen dailey - sculpture

pete kl - design

russell wyner - animation

shira schwarz - textile*

sonya sheats - bookbinding

taylor mcvay - sewing, textile*

thomas willis - painting*

valerie rafferty - interdisciplinary fine art 

wayne kleppe - print

wayne pritzker - music